Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blue Tooth Ear Peice For Htc

A life lesson

Today I discovered that a simple smile is worth more than any words ... Today I discovered that I should not be ashamed to doubt or amaze me, as face of appearances, so the face of difficulties ... Today I discovered that, although there is a lot of 'rotten' in the world-especially in these times of fierce electoral campaign, stay alive, always a breath of hope ... Today I discovered that a group of children can be born a few 'in iziativa commendable, emotional, exaggerated, exciting ... Today I found out that what you share with others and do for them is never enough ... Today I discovered that people who constantly complain about their problems have nothing to believe in, a reason worth fighting , feeling slamming doors in my face, get bitter disappointments ... Today I discovered that we can count everything, even personality, there is nothing left of us except, perhaps, a bit of dignity ... Today found out that all you need to do and to change ... Today found out that sometimes it's worth to get involved, come out from the usual ... Today I discovered that the seed germinates always good as long as they are planted in fertile soil ... Today found a long line of guys can impress bystanders (us students looked a bit like 'rare beasts'. Maybe it's their prejudices ?)... Today I discovered that not always need to judge and sometimes it would be advisable to stay in reflect ... Today I discovered that I do not know how much should I pay $ in fines and that is a small crime ... Today I discovered that the plot twists do not exist only in movies ... Today I discovered that the hard work and sacrifice are paid off, even by some kind of gratitude is not immediately visible to our eyes ... Today I realized that those who believe they are on top of a pedestal of glass would do well to get off ... Today I discovered that the ' humility is a great gift ... Today I discovered that 'only a few times something happens in our class and the teacher they need. But not opinions and do not read things. Precise information about things views with our own eyes the houses, streets, in the woods '(from' Letter a teacher 'Don Milani). What can I say more? I think this morning I have been very helpful for UNDERSTAND myself. I enjoyed the keynote speech of the professor, that no other teacher, met so far in my student career, he never dared to do (and not to be pimp ...). Finally, a huge THANK I address the boys are part of 'M'illumino of immense' not only for having brought into play, but also for their lesson life inside and outside the university walls.


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