.... something has changed ....
After a lethargic "wanted" by the editors of this blog, it seemed appropriate to revive the activities'.
We are pleased that after about 20 post somebody had the courage to leave their comments, in a civilized country would not dare, but just want to express their views and ideas for solving public problems. Dear visitors and writers
But I must give credit for having had the courage.
We are pleased that the commentators have used harsh tones, but also civilians, civilians are not were those who threatened the commentator Rosario.
The communicative power of this blog is in your hands, and in your ability 'to advertise "DO". Sara
'our task to give you the inputs needed to leave your comments, it will' ensure our care that no one uses language very appropriate.
THE MESSAGE THAT WE WANT TO LAUNCH E ': A CITY' where you can communicate freely is a city 'alive and free. DISRUPT
INFORMATION ONLY those who need 'that everything is pervaded by SILENCE. Law-abiding citizens do not want it.
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