The lungs have a body and as such are part of a system and are composed of multiple tissues with different functions.
They are my building: the pleura filters the 'air by absorbing CO2 and bronchi and the lungs oxygenate the body, revitalize. I thought, therefore, a building that evokes a body, a kind of tissue, bronchi that wind between the different levels of the parking lot to revive with their duties. Parking, however, is the pleura, the membrane of the lungs, which absorb the flow of cars and fine dust purifying 'atmosphere. So
bronchi and pleura go to make my body-building that is part of a larger system of infrastructure connections (apparatus respirator in the case of 'human being).
cells cigliali
In the same way that my building will consist of a wrinkled outer membrane that covers the parking and shaping the surface that interacts with the 'environment and absorbing the landscape CO2, and internal nuclei that produce energy and revitalize the park hosting a variety of functions and connections ...
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